Friday, December 17, 2010


The post below was meant to be a reply to the post in the blog THOUGHTS AT MY DESK. I thought it to be suitable to be posted here.

To give a general idea: the blogger conducted a small survey. As a result he found out that people of younger age groups were much ignorant about the basic facts near home, even as simple as famous cities neighboring India. The blogger went on lamenting the outcome.

It is true and tragic that we have neglected our neighbors for our vision of distant dream of USA and EU.
Furthering his concerns I would like to put the blame on the government and in turn society. WE ARE, as in present day, CULTIVATED AS CASH CROPS that can be traded for some western currency that will boost our economy a little, but we neglect the long term loss.

Our education system is a money eccentric one, training us to serve (or better sell) best for the purpose we are harvested for. If you are an IT Engineer you do not know anything about any other field, similarly for mechanical, etc. and why just engineers, even doctors, artists, physicists, etc. You are made known only that much that will add to your selling price (SP) and nothing that will add as a value to you.

Even in our homes, when you are a student and if you also like playing music, you will be discouraged to opt for it, even as a hobby, as that will waste your time. It is just that it adds value to you as a human being instead of as crops, while society intends othrwise. If you are not a professional photographer, you shall not pursue it as a hobby.

Now coming to our formal education system, if anything that does not add value to you in terms of your SP, it is worthless to be taught. We can see that very few know about the contributions of eminent as JC Bose, Raman, etc. as it is not required to know. Even it is being taught by NCERT that SARI was brought in India by HELENA, and we wholeheartedly accept the name ADAM’s bridge to bridge between India and Sri Lanka. It may be so because we need only such information to increase our SP. WHAT WE ARE TAUGHT AS MYTHOLOGY, EVEN IN COUNTRIES AS SRI LANKA IT IS TAUGHT AS HISTORY!

We are hence cultivated and harvested as per the market demand. We are not treated as humans, the innovative human is murdered in his childhood and later on we are trafficked in the market, at the cost of development of our nation, and above all at the cost of our individuality, our humanity. And the irony is we cry for Human Rights, while we are snatching it from the very first year of a child’s life. We mutate man to machine, and when some mechanical machine beat our cultivated breed of human machines and snatch our jobs, we cry for justice. How can anyone on earth help an outdated machine? We can help human, animals, but not an outdated machine, it is its fate to get replaced and dumped.

Now even in the survey he conducted, all the subjects (true, they are anything but human, being churned off their JUICE by some multinational firms to be left as junk in the last) were well placed, and yet they are ignorant of such basic facts as the famous cities in neighborhood. They all are of same creed, as rice, may be of different species, but in similar profession having same basic background of academics, etc.

Had your group been of people from different areas of work and interests and were they left humans by the society by the time they grow up, result would have been different. You, in IT co. must know west well, a doctor or a miner may know rural area and so on. We could have shared our knowledge for common good, for development of the nation, for society and above all humanity.

Had we been spared human, and had we been allowed to pursue the course we liked, had the courses been inter related in such a fashion as to promote symbiosis, had been …..but ALAS……

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This was my comment to the blog JUVENALIA of one of my frnd and junior Mr. Ashesh Raghav.

First I need to clear that I am though interested in politics am not in favour of party politics. I believe all the major parties to be corrupt. What we see is same creed of leaders all over. Sometimes that even the leader who was in the ruling party in previous govt. joins the present ruling party. He now denounces with heart and soul the party he was part of for so long. And that too when he knows that it is just a matter of time when he will again mutate! These were just the random thoughts that came across my mind as I read his blog and went along to comment. I posted this comment on his blog. I consider this comment to be long enough and fairly written to be posted here. I apologize if any of the words below hurts anyone’s feelings.

BJP minus Hinduism or BJP strongly with Hinduism....both will do....but this mediocre BJP wont remain intact in itself in first place...

how can we expect it to rule the country?? The media is full of news every alternate day how BJP ripped apart in one state or other. Vajpeyee, was ignored in the party itself, Advani also faced the unthinkable. Narendra Modi unduly rose to the vision of future PM, Varun represents staunch HINDU face and Uma is kicked off the party.
While after reading above one may start having faith in this present government. Now, this government gives based on caste and religion, they offer some minority religion free pilgrimage, they offers religion and caste based encourages opening of minority educational institutions (in which 50% of the input must be the religion for which it has been dedicated), it counts people on the basis of their religion and caste, and gives undue preference to some and we call it a secular government.
The riot in 1947 occurred under Congress rule, Hindu Sikh Riots (1984) occurred under Congress rule, Bhagalpur riot occurred under Congress rule, the Christian Hindu riot in Orissa occurred under Congress rule, only one Godhra occurred in BJP rule and even in reign of 15 years in Gujrat and is still ruling....and we call BJP non secular, and Congress secular????? These facts does not lessen the crimes against humanity by the BJP, but as per the sermon on the mountLET THE ONE WHO DID NEVER COMMIT SUCH CRIMES PELT STONES ON THIS WHORE!!

We cry in the name of Coffin scams in Kargil, while, Telgi occurred under Congress rule, 2G occurred under Congress rule, Chara ghotala occurred under Congress rule,  a Stampede occurs on the station of Capital of India, and the railway minister of union of India says, these are common and general occurrences, the terrorist attacks rose like anything under congress rule, the MNERGS scam occurred in Congress rule, the prices rose like anything, the Union Minster for HOME DEPT. was unable to control the terror attacks and had to resign but in vain, as the nation saw yet another inefficient minister replacing him....even the PRIME MINISTER of India seems to be a puppet.
The Naxal unrest, the Kashmir unrest, the NE problem and Assam Blockade, terror attacks, Humiliation of Indians outside India including Australia, America, Humiliation of Ambassadors, Humiliation of Rajghat  by  American Dogs, occurred or increased astronomically in Congress rule and we call This Govt is secular, non-corrupt and social, and BJP a non-secular, corrupt party....

it makes me think and also lament on we the INDIANs thinking when i see the fact that out of all the states the top 2 most rapidly developing states with a GDP of near double digits is ruled by  BJP, namely GUJRAT and BIHAR....

Something to think upon dears.....


Watched the documentary named ZEITGEIST yesterday. It completely shakes one feeling about religion, finance and the system that we are living in.
It was hard to ignore the facts presented in the documentary. It may not pose the absolute truth but what it presented can take anyone by awe. If we awake to the truth brought forward by it, we may be shaken so much as too lose all such definitions that binds us in the form of civilization and society.
And true it is that it is time that we really recalibrate the standards of our society, what we call humane? What we live for and where is the future of our generation is heading? In what world, shall generations to come open their eyes??

We need to realize that we cannot prosper even if any single child in India, Palestine or even Pakistan is underfed, uneducated, or is in poor health. We live today in a world of globalization. We can’t just enjoy its benefits and escape from its misfortunes. A very good example can be 9-11.  Though different theories have risen to explain the cause and consequences, but one thing undeniable is that History was created that day. A history that was going to have an impact on our life and for generations to come. We all who enjoyed the fruit of globalization were suddenly now facing the bitterest gift that came with it.
We need to think when did the machines that were created to ease our work and remain slaves become masters snatching our works and forcing us unemployed!!
So it is time we introspect the whole system of our establishment. When did My god became mightier than yours? And why did we not realize that MY god has become greedier than he was yesterday. Nothing has cost more lives than religion.
And as the first dialogues of the documentary, 
Now that’s called sarcasm!!!!

It is a matter of time that we will unite and rebel against the system, and the junta will win! As unemployment grows, as food crisis, energy crisis grows, you can’t keep us oppressed for ages, it is just a matter of time when all the junta will be ILLUMINATED.
I request you all to watch the documentary ZEITGEIST and visit its site!!!!